Thursday, July 26, 2007

Take Me Out to "dat" Baseball Game...

Kevin and I took Hudson to the Braves game this past weekend. I hyped him up about it all day in order to insure a semi-successful outting. While walking through the parking lot Huddy would hear noises coming from the stadium and say "dat baseball". I would tell him yes and he would do it again, and again, and again. I think he was excited to see "dat baseball". Once in our seats he had a great time, he hit the man in front of us with his "fast car", we took numerous trips to the bathroom to "potty"...most uneventful (he does that to me all day, but I fall for it anyway just on the outside chance that he really isn't kidding), he hit the man in front of us with his "jammies" (for those who don't know they are his PJs that he has turned into like a teddy bear or a blankie...they go everywhere with us! yaaaa!)he would yell "get dat ball", he would do the wave with one hand because the other was too busy in the cracker jack bag, he wouldn't allow Kevin or I to clap... for what reason I don't know, he danced to the music, he kicked the guy in front of us in the head getting out of my lap, he intently watched the left fielder, and during the 7th inning decided that the fun was "done". Despite all the mishaps the poor man in front of us never got mad. He will probably move seats if a child ever sits behind him again...bless his heart. All in all he had fun at "dat baseball game", Kevin and I had fun, and we had some good laughs at how funny our little man is. We love "dat" boy!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bare with me...

I am still trying to figure this whole thing out. It's only been a few days and I keep thinking I've got the hang of it when something else goes wrong. Like I said bare with me I'll get it soon. I promise I'm not completely computer dumb. Electronics may not be MY thing but I can sort of navigate my way around here. I'll just have to keep getting my brother-in-law over here so he can help and make fun of the way I do things.

Our Family

Our Family